November 15 – RC Atlanta celebrated RC Day, honoring Christ the King, in the big pavilion at Fowler Park in Cumming, GA. Over 400 guests shared in this wonderful observance of our charism.
The event began with Mass presided by Fr. Shawn Aaron, LC, the North American Territorial Director of the Legionaries of Christ, in celebration with many of our local LC priests and accompanied by the beautiful voices of the Consecrated Women. After Mass, there was a decadent lunch, live entertainment, games, and fellowship that lasted well into the afternoon.
The afternoon was highlighted with the Rite of Association for 14 individuals, 9 men and 5 women, who became new members of Regnum Christi.
Click below for all of the marvelous photos taken by Fr. Brett Taira, LC. Please also enjoy this beautiful “Christ the King” letter from the General Directive College below.
Letter from the General Directive College of Regnum Christi
Friday, November 13, 2020
To All Members of Regnum Christi,
Dear friends in Christ,
May His Kingdom come! This is the longing that is born in the depths of the heart of every apostle who desires that the love of Christ be made present in the midst of this world. We aren’t referring to a fictional or imaginary world, but to the world of the here and now, the present and concrete circumstances of our everyday lives (see SRCF 13).
How fitting that the Church celebrates Christ as King in the last week of Ordinary Time, before Advent begins. The desire for the coming of the Kingdom is fulfilled in the incarnation of Christ, for the Kingdom is Christ himself living among us. By living the mystery of Christ in ourselves – by allowing him to become “incarnate” in us – we too make this Kingdom present in the world.
As the General Directive College, we want to wish you a happy feast of Christ the King, and invite each one of us to live this part of the Church’s liturgical year with special intensity. As a means to assist us in this, we are preparing an essay titled, “Live the Mystery of the Kingdom: Make it present in your heart, in the hearts of all people, and in society.” (It is available now in Spanish and will be translated into English in the coming months) We would like to invite you to read, meditate, and reflect on it. It is meant to be an inspiring text for personal reflection and includes some complementary resources to allow us to go deeper into it personally or as a community. There is also a novena that can be prayed and shared.
“The Kingdom is the Word made flesh. We desire to speak this Word with our own words, but even more so with our lives.” says the essay in its conclusion. We entrust this desire to Mary, Queen of the Apostles, that she may teach us to open our hearts and lives to welcoming the coming of that Kingdom which is her Son.
In Christ,
Fr. John Connor, L.C. Nancy Nohrden Félix Gómez Rueda
Francisco Gámez-Arcaya Álvaro Abellán-García
General Directive College of the Regnum Christi Federation